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Extract WebStore on Your Local PC

Extract ws415CS.tar.gz or
Check and Modify Perl Scripts
Change <TITLE> text, HREF Anchors, and <IMG SRC> Tags

Extract ws415CS.tar.gz or
Extracting ws415CS.tar.gz or on your local PC will create the Web_store directory structure, placing all files in the proper sub-directories.
Using an adequate text editor, such as UltraEdit-32, you are ready to check WebStore's Perl scripts.
Check and Modify Perl Scripts
LINE 1 in each perl script is set to the following location:
If you do not know the location of Perl5 on your server, telnet to your domain account and issue the following command:
which perl5
If this returns a not found message, issue the following command:
which perl
Change LINE 1 in ws400CS.cgi, ws_banner.cgi, ws_delete_files.cgi, ws_editor.cgi, and ws_mail.cgi to point to your server's Perl5.
Change <TITLE> text, HREF Anchors, and <IMG SRC> Tags
Change <TITLE> text in HTML documents in the /Html sub-directory:
SEARCH FOR:    <TITLE>WebStore 400CS Shopping Cart
REPLACE WITH:  <TITLE>Your Company Name
Change WebStore href anchors in HTML documents in the /Html sub-directory and in the store's database, /Databases/, to point to the WebStore script on your server:
Change <IMG SRC> tags in HTML documents in the /Html sub-directory and in the store's database, /Databases/
SEARCH FOR:    Graphics/
REPLACE WITH:  Relative path to the Graphics/ sub-directory
               Absolute URL to the Graphics/ sub-directory
If your WebStore scripts are in the cgi-bin directory, the cgi-bin directory resides in your domain's root, and you placed the /Web_store directory structure in your domain's root, your relative image path would be:
REPLACE WITH:  ../Web_store/Graphics/
No change to the /Graphics path is required if ws400CS.cgi is located at /Web_store/ws400CS.cgi on your server.
The relative path to the /Graphics sub-directory is relative to the location of the WebStore script.
Upload all modified files in the /Html sub-directory and /Databases/ to your server as ASCII text files.
Adding WebStore's ASCII file extensions to WS_FTP's Auto Detect list will prevent the accidental transfer of ASCII text files in BINARY mode.
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