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WebStore 400CS       /Web_store/Statistics
After viewing the files below, use your Browser's Back Button to return to this page.
WebStore_Access.counter is the access counter file generated by ws400CS.cgi. This file is not present in the distributions of this application as it is script generated at runtime.
WebStore_Access.stats is the statistics log file generated by ws400CS.cgi. This file is not present in the distributions of this application as it is script generated at runtime.
ws400CS.cgi opens (creates) and unlinks (deletes) the counter lock file WebStore_Access.counter.lock in the /Statistics sub-directory whenever the counter is being modified. The lock file's filename is constructed by appending .lock to the counter filename defined in the variable $count_file of outlet.setup.
ws400CS.cgi opens (creates) and unlinks (deletes) the statfile lock file WebStore_Access.stats.lock in the /Statistics sub-directory whenever the statfile is being modified. The lock file's filename is constructed by appending .lock to the statfile filename defined in the variable $log_file of outlet.setup.
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