# Perl Support File
# File Permissions:  644  -rw-r--r--

#                   Surepay Merchant Configuration File                    #

# Variables in this file may be disabled by leaving the variable's value blank,
# commenting out a variable (placing a # sign in column 1), or removing the
# variable from this file.
# The value of a variable must be on the same line as the variable name.
# Separate variable names and values with a single space.

# Comment lines are those lines beginning with a # (pound sign).
# Comment lines and blank lines are bypassed in this file.
    # Whitespace before the # (pound sign) on comment lines are ignored.
# Trailing comments on variable lines are truncated at the first # (pound sign),
# removing all trailing whitespace from the variable's value.
# The # (pound sign) can not used in a variable's value.


# pr_Login is your Surepay merchant login ID
# pr_Password is your Surepay merchant login password
# pr_Mode is the mode of operation
# For testing puposes, use the following values for pr_Login, pr_Password,
# and pr_Mode:
#    pr_Login 1001         # Test merchant login ID
#    pr_Password password  # Test merchant login password
#    pr_Mode test          # Mode of operation - (test|live)

pr_Login 1001         # Merchant login ID
pr_Password password  # Merchant login password
pr_Mode test          # Mode of operation - (test|live)

# End of file